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~クラヴィーアの巨匠~ 巧みに調律された響き Vol.5

~Masters of the Clavier~ Masterfully Tuned Sounds Vol.5

salon concert

Friday, July 2, 2021

Doors open at 18:00 / Concert begins at 18:30

mint kobe 18f "mint terrace

Name of Performer

Taiji Takada, harpsichord

song title

J .S.Bach
from the Mean Clavier, Vol. 2
No.13 BWV882 - No.18 BWV887
English Suite No. 3 in G minor, BWV808
Chromatic Fantasy and Fugue in D minor, BWV903
*Track list is subject to change.


Lives in Germany and made her debut in 2003 with the Telemann Chamber Orchestra at the Kobe Shimbun Matsukata Hall, performing a concerto for piano, fortepiano and harpsichord all in one evening.
As a fortepiano soloist, she performed Mozart's Piano Concerto No. 12 on NHK's "Classic Club" in 2010, which attracted a great deal of attention. On June 24, 2012, he performed works by Mozart and C.P.E. Bach on NHKFM's "Recital Nova" program.
In May 2011, he appeared as a solo harpsichordist at a subscription concert organized by the "Bach-Alhieff" in Leipzig (the first time for a Japanese keyboardist to be invited), and released a CD with the same program from Live Notes in October 2011.
In 2014, he performed in Potsdam, where he was described by the Potsdamer Neueste Nachrichten as "a light flick of the wrist that creates a silvery, shimmering sound like a cascading waterfall, a bursting drop, or sometimes an endless river" (Potsdamer Neueste Nachrichten magazine). (Potsdamer Neueste Nachrichten).
She studied fortepiano and harpsichord with C. Schornsheim. She has also studied with A. Steyer since 2012 and with O. Beaumont since 2013, and released a duo CD with U. Bundes in April 2013. He was awarded the 2011 Tokitada Sakai Music Prize; in 2014, he gave a successful performance of Beethoven's complete piano concertos (3 nights) at the Nakanoshima Central Public Hall (Osaka, Japan); in 2015, his second duo with U. Bundys and a fortepiano album; in 2016, Utsuroi (four classical keyboard instruments used) and J.S. Bach's "Goltberg Variations" were released. In 2018, his "Beethoven Album" CD with original fortepiano by J.G. Graeber was specially recommended by "Record Geijutsu" magazine (August 2018 issue). 2018 Music Critic's Club Award Incentive Prize. Awarded the Cultural Encouragement Prize of Kobe City in 2020.