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久元祐子 ピアノコンサート ~神童モーツァルトとピアノの詩人ショパンの魅力に迫る~

Yuko Kumoto Piano Concert
~The fascination of Mozart, the child prodigy, and Chopin, the poet of the piano~.

salon concert

Friday, October 8, 2021

Doors open at 18:00 / Concert begins at 18:30

mint kobe 18f "mint terrace

Name of Performer

Yuko KUMOTO, pianist

song title

Mozart : Rondo in A minor, KV511
Mozart : Piano Sonata in F major, KV533 /494
Chopin : Nocturne in E flat major, Op. 9-2
Chopin : Nocturne in F-sharp major, Op. 15-2
Chopin : Nocturne, Posthumous, C-sharp minor
Chopin : Fantasy Improvisation
Chopin: Farewell Waltz
Chopin : Waltz of the Little Dog
*Track list is subject to change.


After graduating from the Faculty of Music at Tokyo University of the Arts, he completed the master's program at the same university. He has performed with numerous orchestras and ensembles in Japan and abroad, including the Vienna Radio Symphony Orchestra, the Latvian National Symphony Orchestra, the Yomiuri Nippon Symphony Orchestra, the New Japan Philharmonic, the Vienna Salon Orchestra, and the Berlin String Quartet. He is highly acclaimed as a pianist who combines intelligence and sensitivity, delicacy and dynamism. His lecture recitals, in which he views music from multiple perspectives, have been featured in the Asahi Shimbun and Tenseijingo.
His collection includes original instruments such as Broadwood (circa 1810) Bösendorfer (1829), Pleyel (1843), and Erard (1868). He has been involved in numerous concerts and recordings using historical instruments. In 2010, the bicentennial of Chopin's birth, he performed with the Pleyel in concerts throughout Japan.
His recital in Vienna in 2011 was featured on the cover of an Austrian piano magazine, and he was one of the few musicians in the world to receive the title of "Bösendorfer Artist". He is frequently invited to give recitals at the International Mozart Festival in Italy. His recitals were broadcast throughout Italy and received favorable reviews.
He has released 16 CDs so far. Beethoven: Therese" and "Waldstein" was acclaimed by Gramophone magazine as "the best Beethoven by any measure". Beethoven "Therese" Waldstein" was acclaimed by Gramophone magazine as "the best Beethoven by any measure". He is the author of many books, including "Mozart's Piano Music Study" (Ongaku no Tomo Sha) and "How Mozart Played" (Maruzen).

Professor, Kunitachi College of Music, Graduate School