Mint Kobe and Fortune Teller's House Arutamu collaborate on a new project!

Updated on the 1st of every month! Monthly 12 Zodiac Sign Horoscope ★

Since its establishment in 1987, the mint Kobe mint has been collaborating with "Ultarum," one of Japan's largest and most established fortune tellers, which has a staff of fortune tellers in all fields and has a total of 50,000 customers on average per year.

Himari, a popular fortune teller who has been featured on TV and in magazines, will tell your overall fortune, work fortune, and love fortune.

◆Aries (March 21 - April 19)

[Overall luck
When you want to value self-affirmation. It is unnecessary to listen to those who deny you. It is also pointless to compare yourself with others. Be who you are! Focus on the positive. Even if natural disasters occur, you are strongly protected by the heavens. This month, "your path" is prepared in what you like, what makes you comfortable, and what makes you happy.
[Work luck].
This is a time when your leadership qualities will come into play, such as bringing people together and being a team leader. Entertaining behavior will spark your team's motivation. Take the initiative and take the helm. You will be at the center of the circle, which will strengthen the team's unity. If you set goals and act with confidence, you will be able to perform like Jeanne d'Arc.
[Luck in love and marriage
If you have a partner, this is a comfortable time to be on the same tension. Experiencing something together that is only possible now will create memories that will last a lifetime.
Singles can expect to meet someone who is athletic and entertaining. If you fall in love with someone, try approaching them yourself! There is a good chance you will get an immediate response.
[Lucky color
[Lucky Item


◆Taurus (4/20-5/20)

[Overall luck
This is a time when you need stimulation from others to keep your days from getting stuck in a rut. If you keep your antennae up for the latest things and information and keep your mind flexible, you will begin to socialize with people of all ages. By treating all people with respect, you will be able to gain a lot of information and experience. Furthermore, by sharing the joy you experience with those around you, your happiness will multiply many times over. You may expect to have a lucky streak that never stops when you find yourself in a lucky situation.
[Work luck].
As the saying goes, "like attracts like." Your current state of mind is attracting your current situation. If you don't have time to spend with your workmates complaining, go home early and spend some time with yourself. Imagine yourself as the person you want to be and become more ambitious. And when you have negative thoughts, train yourself to replace them with positive words. For example, "I hate my boss" or "I am grateful that he trains me.
[Luck in love and marriage
If you have a partner, it is time to expose your weaknesses. And if your partner smiles at you, he or she is the one you are meant to be with.
If you are single, polish up your appearance and someone wonderful will appear. Good luck!
[Lucky color
[Lucky Item
potato chips


◆Gemini (May 21 - June 21)

[Overall luck
This is a time of rapid growth as you compete with your rivals. You hate to lose and don't like to show it, but it is wonderful that you declare war on your rivals and make an effort. If you spend your time with a big heart, thinking that it was thanks to your rivals that you were able to grow in any case, good things will spring forth like a fountain. Since I have a tendency to get bored, it is important to say what I mean. Once you have given your notice, you cannot stop halfway. Even if you lose, it is worthwhile to take on the challenge.

[Work luck].
The time has come for you to demonstrate your communication skills. You will receive a business offer from someone who has always admired you and wanted to work with you. It may be a job you have always wanted to do. It could turn into a big project with the help of many people. Your reputation is likely to rise dramatically!

[Luck in love and marriage
If you have a partner, you may be thinking that you are in a rut lately. In that case, try going to places you don't usually go. We recommend a date plan where you can expect to discover something new!
Singles are likely to find their ideal partner in the library. You are likely to be attracted to someone with an intellectual atmosphere.

[Lucky color
sky blue
Lucky spot.


◆Cancer (June 22-July 22)

[Overall luck
This is a time when you can get results if you don't think about unnecessary things and act without fear. Once the switch is turned on, you should be able to go forward with gusto and vigor without fear! For better or for worse, don't worry about the people around you, just go full throttle and charge ahead. Before you know it, you will find that you have achieved your goals and made your dreams come true. At times like this, don't worry about those around you and keep moving up to the next stage. The stakes are high, but the nail that sticks out too far will not be hammered down!
[Work luck].
This is the month when camaraderie grows strong. Your kindness may sometimes turn out to be meddlesome. You can afford to keep a moderate distance from everything. Supporting others is a wonderful thing, but too much help can lead to dependence. It is desirable to have a relationship that allows the person being supported to grow. It is important to watch over them with a big heart.
[Luck in love and marriage
If you have a partner, the lovey-dovey, exciting feeling has calmed down and you are ready for a soothing relationship. Both of you are probably starting to think about marriage at the same time. Talking about your dreams for the future is a GOOD idea!
For singles, the ideal partner you have been dreaming of will appear. The moment you meet him or her, you will not be able to stop the excitement.
[Lucky color
[Lucky Item
massaging tool

◆LIBRA (July 23-August 22)

[Overall luck
Like the sun shining brightly around you, your popularity will increase. You will often be thanked by people who say, "I feel energized when I am with you," or "I get courage when I talk with you," even though you are just being yourself, enjoying yourself, and being yourself. However, you must be careful not to get carried away and buy someone a drink even when you don't have any money. You may find that your wallet is empty before you know it.

[Work luck].
This is a time for good self-control. Use your active and cautious side to approach your business partners. If you do so, things will go according to our plan. First, use your charm to get into their good graces. Then, when the time is right, you can make your point and the conversation will go smoothly.
[Luck in love and marriage
This is a time for good self-control. Use your active and cautious side to approach your business partners. If you do so, things will go according to our plan. First, use your charm to get into their good graces. Then, when the time is right, you can make your point and the conversation will go smoothly.
[Lucky color
[Lucky Item
amusement park

◆Virgo (Aug 23 - Sep 22)

[Overall luck
It is time for all the steady efforts we have made to date to finally come to fruition. You have been giving it your all to make people happy. Your achievements will be praised. Maybe you took on a project because you couldn't say, "I can't do it! You may have felt that this was a role you could not take on because you could not say "I can't do it! However, through this experience, your capacity must have expanded and you must have become quite competent. I think I was able to make a good appeal, especially to my superiors.
[Work luck].
You are at a turning point in your life where you are questioning what you have been doing. Are you looking for more satisfaction in your work? Are you okay with the way you are? Now is your chance to face yourself. You have an inherent artistic sense in fashion, architecture, art, music, etc. Your possibilities are endless and infinite.
[Luck in love and marriage
If you have a partner, no matter what anyone says, 'love is blind'. You no longer listen to your family or best friends. You like yourself to be single-minded. It is GOOD to separate such a period as necessary!
Singles are associated with people who have a nice smile. You will explode in popularity simply by prettying up your own package.
[Lucky color
violet (color)
[Lucky Item

◆Libra (September 23 - October 23)

[Overall luck
This month you will attract people with your reliable words and actions. Your words and actions will have a great impact on those around you, and you will become a charismatic presence. You will attract more and more people who depend on you because of your dependability and the way you take care of others when they ask you to do something. However, your strong sense of responsibility can sometimes lead to self-sacrifice, so be careful about that.
[Work luck].
It is possible to build a trusting relationship, no matter if it is professional or personal. Relax, open up, and follow your heart. Working in a relaxed environment will help you develop your talents. You will naturally enjoy your daily life and opportunities will come to you. If you cherish your relationships with people, everything will go well.
[Luck in love and marriage
If you have a partner, the more difficult it is to say something this month, the better. Surprisingly, your partner may respond, "You should have told me earlier!
For singles, this is a time when a pinch becomes an opportunity. Someone who will always come running to you and take care of you will be a good match.
[Lucky color
orange (color, color)
[Lucky Item
fountain pen

◆Scorpio (10/24-11/22)

[Overall luck
You will be lucky if you value 'sincerity'. Once you feel that you can trust, believe in it to the fullest. Practice being sincere to others and to yourself. It is also a good idea to team up with someone and start something new. Your talents will be more effective when you cooperate with others. This will match your Scorpio way of life, which is to seek a sense of unity.
[Work luck].
Some things are strongly influenced by the environment, so it is important to put yourself in a 'good place'. This month, when you are exposed to many people and information, you are able to sort through that information and make your own choices, so find an environment that suits you better. You have the talent to create something original within yourself, so if you find a path that you are good at that you can call your calling, it is GOOD to become an expert in that field!
[Luck in love and marriage
When you have a partner, you always want to be with him or her for some reason. If that were the case, would you get married already? If you feel safe and secure with your partner, he or she is the partner you will spend the rest of your life with. If you feel safe and secure when you are with someone, he or she is the partner you will spend the rest of your life with.
For singles, a good match is someone who is willing to grow with you.
[Lucky color
pistachio (Pistacia vera)
Lucky spot.
silver accessories

◆Sagittarius (11/23 - 12/21)

[Overall luck
This month you are a strategist who comes up with interesting ideas one after another! You have a very good imagination. You tend to be attracted to ideas with a twist and minor subcultures. You like to take something existing and make it fresh by changing the way you look at it, or evolve it by adding new features. You are the kind of person who can take a simple day and turn it into something fun with a little ingenuity!
[Work luck].
Focus your work on what excites and thrills you. Develop your strengths rather than trying to hide your flaws. Sagittarius' ruling planet is Jupiter, which is good at increasing and expanding. You will be able to share the knowledge and experience you have gathered through your natural curiosity with more people and teach them, which will bring you a lot of luck. Furthermore, your fortune will be the strongest by "pleasing the people you meet.
[Luck in love and marriage
Those with partners are likely to have a good time by not deciding where to go and acting as they please. Bonding with your partner is likely to deepen, especially through first-time events.
For singles, the time to be popular is here, but it is a time when it is easy to get caught up in something. A good match is an active person.
[Lucky color
[Lucky Item

◆Capricorn (12/22 - 1/19)

[Overall luck
It is a time when you can create a "1" from a "0". The way of thinking is very original. This is because you have a sensitivity that is different from others. In order to improve your sensitivity, it is a good idea to absorb knowledge and gain new experiences. You are confident in yourself and your direction is firmly set, so even if you have some trouble, you will not be upset. You are often relied upon by others and your advice is accurate. People will always want to consult with you.
[Work luck].
Set your sights as high as possible. If you are exposed to first-rate products, you will be able to add a sense of style to your original personality and create wonderful products. Also, your meticulousness and dedication to hard work will help you achieve your lofty goals. The more difficult your goals are, the more you will grow!
[Luck in love and marriage
If you have a partner, this is a time to organize photos of memories of the two of you in an album to deepen your love and make you love your partner even more. It may be a good time to start thinking about marriage.
For singles, if your feelings are conveyed, this is the time to start dating naturally without any bargaining.
[Lucky color
cobalt blue
[Lucky Item
leather goods (products)


◆Aquarius (1/20 - 2/18)

[Overall luck
This is a time when any trouble can be turned into power while having fun. It is more exciting to have stimulation and change than to go on without any problems. You will want to add some variety to the basics. To use a soccer analogy, a game without a goalkeeper is not interesting. The more obstacles there are, the more it burns. The more difficult the game is, the more you will want to complete it. Your positivity is impressive, as you are quick to learn and feed off of any trouble you encounter.
[Work luck].
It is a time when your unique way of doing things may hit a wall, but you will be resourceful enough to change course and achieve one success after another. However, if you are deprived of your freedom, you may become overstressed and out of your element. You may not be the right type of person to work in a company. However, even if you do work in a company, you will be happy if you can keep your environment and time free!

[Luck in love and marriage
If you have a partner, the person you are dating now may be the person you will be with for the rest of your life. Be sure to discuss your visions for the future.
If you are single, you will meet wonderful people who will inspire you!
[Lucky color
coral pink
[Lucky Item

◆Pisces (2/19-3/20)

[Overall luck
Jump brilliantly by making the most of your specialty! Act dynamically with tremendous speed. However, this is limited to what you are good at. Things you are not good at or that have negative elements will not work. If you are not good at something, or if there are negative elements in it, it will not work. Therefore, it is important to stick to what you like and are good at.
[Work luck].
This is a time when it is important to believe in yourself and have the strength to go straight ahead. However, it is also a good time to be blind to the world around you. There are many hints for better things in the opinions and advice of others, so take them in and try to make your path even more wonderful. But if you are in doubt, rely on your intuition to make the right decision. Your sensitivity and intuition are the best in the zodiac.
[Luck in love and marriage
If you have a partner, this is a time when the more time you spend in love, the more your sensibilities and talents will be honed. If you have a partner who is particularly stimulating, you will be at your happiest.
Singles will be popular if they can create an enigmatic charm. The fact that you don't know what they are thinking will make a good impression.

[Lucky color
[Lucky Item
Things that sparkle and shine