A collaborative project between Mint Kobe and the Fortune Teller's House Arutamu.

Updated on the 1st of every month! Monthly 12 Zodiac Sign Horoscope ★

Since its establishment in 1987, the mint Kobe mint has been collaborating monthly with "Arutam," one of Japan's largest and most competent long-established fortune-telling centers, which has resident fortune-tellers in all fields and has a total of 50,000 customers on average per year!

Himari, a popular fortune teller who has been featured on TV and in magazines, will tell your overall fortune, work fortune, and love fortune.

◆Aries (March 21 - April 19)

[Overall luck

You will be frustrated by the lack of speedy progress. If things don't get done on time, or if you have to explain the same thing over and over again, you are likely to lose your temper. This month, you will be recognized as a 'bad feeling person' if you let such things happen repeatedly and to your face. At such times, yoga, exercise, or sports will be a good way to refresh yourself.

[Work luck].

You are the type of person who knows how to make the most of yourself more than anyone else, and you are especially loved by your seniors. To push yourself forward, it is important for you to create your own character. Take every moment as a positive and use it as a material for self-promotion. Everything will go well if you advance your own ideas rather than follow the lead of others.

[Luck in love and marriage

If you have a partner, you may want to get married when you have the assurance that you can "be yourself" at all times with your partner. In fact, you will be the one to take the initiative in deciding whether or not to get married. If you leave it up to your partner, your marriage may be delayed.

Singles can expect to find a great match on the matching app. You might be able to trust someone who has a neat profile statement.

[Lucky color


[Lucky Drink

black coffee

◆Taurus (4/20-5/20)

[Overall luck

This is the month to "get moving" in earnest. If you have been overly cautious and have only had plans stuck in your head, now is the time to take action. Let go of your stubborn stereotypes of what must be done and act freely like a light breeze!

You will then generate idea after idea that others may not come up with, and you will be blessed with friends who will help you do so.

[Work luck].

Set goals. Preferably, it should be an audacious goal that is unlikely to come true. The reason for doing so is to break out of the status quo and jump over it. Then act as if you have achieved the goal. Then you will gradually see the specific things you need to do to achieve it. And no matter what obstacles you face, if your vision of the future is unshakable and you are determined to make it come true, your subconscious will make your dream come true.

[Luck in love and marriage

If you have a partner, this is a time when you may not have enough words and your partner may misunderstand you. If you are asked a question or asked to explain something, do not be lazy and tell them in clear words.

Singles can expect to meet someone with beautiful hair. It will surely be a fateful encounter.

[Lucky color

moss green

[Lucky Item

coin purse


◆Gemini (May 21 - June 21)

[Overall luck

This is a lucky month to be protected by some unseen force. This is a time when you feel protected by your ancestors, guardian spirits, or guiding spirits, and you feel that you are getting many opportunities. You may be given the opportunity to try something you have been doing as a hobby, but your natural intuition may help your talent blossom, or you may be given the chance to try your hand in the professional world. Don't hesitate to give it a try! It could be a turning point in your life.

[Work luck].

This is a time when anticipating and moving ahead will pay off. Your credibility at work will increase. Your ability to get to the point and do a variety of things at the same time will make you even more likable. If you want to do something, by all means say it out loud. You will find that more and more people will want to support you. The key to success this month is how you involve those around you.

[Luck in love and marriage

If you have a partner who encourages you when you are going through a difficult time, things will continue to go well. However, if your partner takes a stern tone when you want him or her to be more attentive to your feelings, you are likely to have a fight.

Singles will be fortunate to meet through work. If you are mentally mature and independent, you will be a good match.

[Lucky color

gray (SI unit of absorbed dose of radiation)

[Lucky Item


◆Cancer (June 22-July 22)

[Overall luck

A saving grace in a pinch.... Somehow, just when you think things are going bad, you meet such a wonderful person who will change your life in the future. It is going to be a very fateful encounter where you will get a person with whom you feel so much nostalgia that you can hardly believe you have met for the first time, as if perhaps you were flesh and blood in a previous life.

[Work luck].

When past traumas resurface and you are not feeling positive about your job. You will doubt whether your current job is right for you because of the negative elements that you will inevitably remember. In fact, the more you are in a hurry, the more you lose confidence in yourself. At times like this, it is not a bad idea to take a drastic paid vacation to change your mind. Talk to a casual friend who is not related to your work colleagues to clear your mind.

[Luck in love and marriage

If you have a partner, you are reaching a major milestone. This is a time of increased desire to start a family as soon as possible. If there is no possibility of marriage in the future, there is an option to break up with them once and for all.

For singles, one day you will suddenly have an "aha" moment, and a person of the opposite sex who seems perfect for you will appear before your eyes. If the timing is right, ask him out on a date!

[Lucky color

sky blue

[Lucky Food


◆LIBRA (July 23-August 22)

[Overall luck

More and more I think it's unforgivable. Why is that person...? and when he/she doesn't understand your feelings and makes you cringe. Everything will backfire so badly you won't know how to explain it. Your mental health may collapse if you remain misunderstood by others. When that happens, take a deep breath. Things are not so bad, but only your imagination is thinking negatively. What is important now is the feeling of "Oh well! The important thing now is the feeling of 'Oh well!

[Work luck].

All the hard work you have been doing will pay off. You will finally be recognized for all your hard work. On the other hand, someone might get jealous. So be careful of being unexpectedly fried! Nevertheless, your strength is that you don't feel pressured by high expectations. No matter what happens, go on bullishly! If you lack confidence, others will not follow you.

[Luck in love and marriage

If you have a partner, you are who you are today thanks to your partner. Don't forget that it is actually your partner who is supporting your mentality, which is very approval-seeking! If you always remember to be grateful, you will be able to live happily ever after.

Singles are a little more sentimental than usual. Rely on referrals from friends!

[Lucky color


[Lucky Item

decorative plant

◆Virgo (Aug 23 - Sep 22)

[Overall luck

Take care of your surroundings! Organization is the key to opening up your life. If you have been feeling a lack of exercise lately, I recommend cleaning out your room. Get rid of clothes you no longer wear with grace and eliminate negative energy. You can expect to notice weight loss and size reduction. Then, as a reward for your shapely body, go shopping for new clothes. You will surely find something wonderful!

[Work luck].

Instead of just doing what you are given, this month, change the way you think about how you can do it more efficiently. To be able to do your usual tasks in a shorter amount of time, just think about it from a slightly different angle. You may find yourself thinking, "That doesn't have to be done that much⁈ If you have been throwing everything you've got into your work, it may be time to realize what you've been wasting your time on.

[Luck in love and marriage

If you have a partner, you may find yourself doing too much for them. Is your partner taking it for granted? Too much pampering is not good. Be careful.

If you are single, you may be giving off the vibe that you have a lover all the time. 'I'm free.' Let them know that you are.

[Lucky color

lemon yellow

[Lucky Item


◆Libra (September 23 - October 23)

[Overall luck

When you are focused on something, there may be a point where you can't think about anything else and neglect everything else. It is important to keep everything in balance. You need to take some measures, set some priorities, and work on each one. However, it is also not good to be so preoccupied with that that you put yourself on the back burner. Be assertive in moderation, without being too humble!

[Work luck].

When the stress of work makes you gain weight. But you are absolutely indispensable to the organization. Everyone admires you for your great insight and the way you casually follow up with your colleagues. The pressure of these relationships has led to binge drinking! Now you should lead a regular life and eat a nutritious and balanced diet. In particular, get a good night's sleep. Taking care of your health is part of your job. Good luck!

[Luck in love and marriage

If you have a partner, make an effort to praise their good points. Use easy-to-understand words and express them in an over-the-top way. It will surely strengthen the bond between the two of you.

For singles, this is a time to be popular if you are not too outspoken on all sides. If you have a one-sided love, you can make a good impression by expressing yourself in a straightforward manner.

[Lucky color


[Lucky Item

cup and saucer


◆Scorpio (10/24-11/22)

[Overall luck

When it is easy to be alone. The reason for this is that I just want to be immersed in negativity. All the answers exist within me. I know this instinctively, so I can't help but stay in my own world. Now is not the time to seek answers outside. Maybe your spiritual faculties are getting stronger. Trust your inspiration.

[Work luck].

It is a time when you can switch between on and off modes easily and freely. For example, "I'm going to use Excel to make a chart now, so I'm in office mode," or "I'm going to make an outing now, so I'm in sales mode! I'm going to make a chart using Excel now, so I'll be in office mode! He is also able to use his mind dexterously and lightly in interpersonal relationships, such as between superiors and subordinates, senior and junior staff, people inside the company and people outside the company, and so on. Your image as a person who can do his/her job and be depended on will be enhanced at once. Nothing will stand in your way. Proceed with confidence!

[Luck in love and marriage

If you have a partner, spending time in nature together is likely to strengthen your feelings for each other.

If you are single, this is a time of excellent intuition. If you follow your intuition, you will meet the man of your dreams.

[Lucky color


[Lucky Item

Saturn motif accessories

◆Sagittarius (11/23 - 12/21)

[Overall luck

It's time to think about contributing to society through what you love. But don't get too carried away! When you find yourself at a crossroads in your life, wondering what you can do or what you are suited for, it is a good idea to look into your roots, to see who your parents, grandparents, and even ancestors were. This may give you some clues to help you decide the direction of your life.

[Work luck].

This is a time when you can put things in perspective and think logically. It works to your great advantage in your business. Most people don't have the luxury of time when they are concentrating, and their vision tends to be narrow, but you have the luxury of thinking big. That's why you can see the blind spots so well. Your ideas lead to solutions to problems. Therefore, you will often be relied upon as a valuable resource in the workplace.

[Luck in love and marriage

If you have a partner, this is a month of "rain falls and the ground hardens," and "one crisis goes away and another comes back. It is a month of "rain falls and the ground hardens," and "one difficulty goes away and another comes back" for those who have partners. The bond between two people can never be broken no matter what happens. So, enjoy the ups and downs!

Singles are likely to step into a one-trick pony relationship. If the other person comes on to you, you will probably start a relationship.

[Lucky color


[Lucky Item

Western painting

◆Capricorn (12/22 - 1/19)

[Overall luck

Decide to 'question the conventional wisdom. That's when it works out surprisingly well. If you have ever wondered why you are the only one who loses money, or why your hard work is not rewarded, something very romantic will happen this month. Stop thinking about small and difficult things and receive a gift from God. Let go of the stereotypes you have had and be thankful for God's grace!

[Work luck].

You excel at explaining complex things in a way that is easy to understand. You have a clear mind and will be able to use your skills to the fullest in discussions and presentations this month. You may take a leadership position in your company. Perhaps you will even become a top salesman because of your sales acumen. However, be careful not to lose sight of your surroundings when you are rushing toward a single goal!

[Luck in love and marriage

If you have a partner, their relationship may be in jeopardy as they may suspect you of cheating on them. By nature, you do not like to be watched or tied down. You may not last with a jealous partner.

Singles are likely to be approached by free-thinking and unique individuals.

[Lucky color

madder red

[Lucky Item


◆Aquarius (1/20 - 2/18)

[Overall luck

It is a good time to aim high without compromise. Don't bring resignation into your life! Have you lost track of where your true feelings are lately? Compromising and accepting the safe, you are now a lethargic traveler. Please go back to your starting point once again and look into your true feelings. Isn't it too early to give up on your dreams? You have more unlimited potential than you think. First. When in doubt, please rely on your intuition.

[Work luck].

In fact, is there any part of you that is waiting for a pinch or trouble on the job front? Confidence that you can overcome even the most difficult situations. I wondered how I could attack it like a game. I hate boring work the most. That's why I handle complaints by myself. Or, I leave things until the very last minute before the deadline. I find it interesting to do troublesome things that people don't like to do. They are willing to tackle things that would normally make you want to run away, and your colleagues will be looking at them with respect.

[Luck in love and marriage

Those who have partners feel affection for them, who answer any story, any question, in a courteous manner.

Singles will connect with someone who can expand your horizons and have fun conversations with you.

[Lucky color


[Lucky Item


◆Pisces (2/19-3/20)

[Overall luck

A natural therapist who brings healing. This is a time when you can observe people and others in a flat manner without prejudice. People will come to rely on you as such. You have never chosen a stable life, and your experience has given you the power to heal others. When facing you, everyone wants to confide in you and talk to you. They feel refreshed and purified just by being with you. Being in such an environment will lead you to good fortune in the future.

[Work luck].

This is a time of excellent intuition, so rather than taking the time to think things through, it will work better to do things by feeling them at the moment. Work freely and happily at your own pace. If you do so, naturally, your work will go smoothly. You may make some mistakes, but they will become your valuable assets. Keep your core without wavering. Work is not as complicated as you think.

[Luck in love and marriage

If you have a partner, the ideal relationship is like that between friends. It is important to feel secure that they are always there for you.

Singles will be attracted to someone intelligent and somewhat mysterious. Love will move forward slowly and steadily.

[Lucky color

pearl pink

[Lucky Item
