Mint Kobe and Fortune Teller's House Arutamu collaborate on a new project!

Updated on the 1st of every month! Monthly 12 Zodiac Sign Horoscope ★

A collaboration project between mint Kobe and "Ultarum," one of Japan's largest and oldest and most powerful fortune tellers, which has been staffed by fortune tellers in all fields since its establishment in 1987, and has a yearly average of about 50,000 visitors!

Himari, a popular fortune teller who has been featured on TV and in magazines, will tell your overall fortune, work fortune, and love fortune.

◆Aries (March 21 - April 19)

[Overall luck
This month's keyword is "Entertainment" You love to entertain others, and you are the star of this summer. The smile of someone other than yourself is your source of energy. However, when you spend time with someone and this ability is not exercised, your emotions will be negatively affected and you will become angry. Whether or not the other person is happy is not something you can control. However, your kindness will be felt. Rest assured!

[Work luck].
If you feel "this might be a good opportunity," act immediately. Don't hesitate! Because this month, your intuition is the ironclad rule for seizing opportunities at work. Your impulsive and instinctive feelings will expand your possibilities in the future. Don't shy away from risky challenges. Work is play and play is work. It is a strange and natural time to lose track of time and get lost in work.

[Luck in love and marriage
Those with partners are likely to get tired of being constrained more than necessary. In such a case, it is important to make a day to spend freely on your own. This will allow you to rediscover the good qualities of your partner.
If you are currently freelance, the person who kindly gave you advice when you were troubled may be your destiny.

[Lucky color

Lucky spot.
sandy beach

◆Taurus (4/20-5/20)

[Overall luck
Now is the time when you will want to consider a big purchase. But you will be very confused. If it is something that will transform your life, take the plunge and buy it. The more expensive it is, the more you will be transformed by it. And that will motivate you to do more in the future. Please gather various materials, compare them carefully, and then make your decision!

[Work luck].
Your stolid attitude, simplicity and unpretentiousness are well received. This is a time when you are likely to face big problems. Do not blur, do not speak out rashly. Be patient, even if it is painful, until the storm passes. Once you have made up your mind, please stick to your intention. Then the problem will be resolved and you will move toward the greater goal. Even those who initially disagreed with you will, in time, come to agree with you.

[Luck in love and marriage
If you have a partner, it may be time to think about marriage. You may be a slow-paced, one-man person, but don't run away from your partner's offer this month!
Singles have good luck at the movie theater this month. Try inviting someone you are interested in to the movies and you may get a date.

[Lucky color
smoky green

[Lucky Item
clothes with a collar

◆Gemini (May 21 - June 21)

[Overall luck
This month you have an affinity for traveling. It can be a small trip. Experiencing something out of the ordinary will boost your luck. Travel begins with the time you spend on the move. If you feel déjà vu at an unfamiliar landscape, it could be a trip that opens the door to a magical space. If possible, get the energy of the land by going barefoot and grounding yourself. It will be an energy-charged journey.

[Work luck].

Question the work you have always taken for granted. Is this necessary work? Shine a spotlight on something that everyone else never thought they would do. Your casual comments will play a big role in influencing those around you this month. Your innovative ideas may develop in unexpected directions by tag-teaming with others as well. Of course, your reputation will explode.

[Luck in love and marriage

If you have a partner, be careful not to cross paths and take it out on him or her because you are sick of everything! If you want your partner to accept you, talk to them so they understand.
Singles have a feeling that you will meet someone wonderful when you are outdoors. On holidays, it is a GOOD idea to go outside as much as possible!

[Lucky color
coral pink

[Lucky Item
fountain pen

◆Cancer (June 22-July 22)

[Overall luck
You need to see the truth. If you have been convinced that you are this way or that this is not like me, this may come as a shock to you. This month you will meet someone who will show you who you really are. This will transform you greatly in the future. Face your true self and set new goals. It all starts with your acceptance of the truth.

[Work luck].
Respect the will of those around you and unite the team. This is the challenge for you this month. You have a keen sense of insight and should be able to predict how to move in a way that will bring everyone together to work toward a single goal. This is truly a test of your ability to oversee. Your status will rise in proportion to this test. Your future life will change drastically as you aim even higher.

[Luck in love and marriage
If you have a partner and you have been together for more than three years, but your partner is not clear on the subject of marriage, take time to talk with your partner!
Singles may meet through introductions from childhood friends. Contact them yourself.

[Lucky color
orange (color, color)

[Lucky Item
Cute character key chain

◆LIBRA (July 23-August 22)

[Overall luck
For some reason, when you lose confidence, the more impatient you become with having to meet the expectations of those around you, the less you may want to face the problem. Your ideal image of perfection must be grandiose and perfect. Does it feel attainable? Please do not give up hope. Please suffer and think through the problem to discover a breakthrough. After the birth pains, you will find success you never thought possible.

[Work luck].
You could take a leadership role this month by setting a goal. Or, you may be able to gather a group of people and build a team for the "big game" at once. Gathering people, enlisting the help of others, and bringing everyone together will be major themes in your work, especially this week. Please be careful not to make the wrong choice when you are in the spotlight.

[Luck in love and marriage
If you have a partner, you will be in a pinch if you do not put your partner's feelings at the center of your thoughts. Now is the time to express "the depth of your affection" in words.
For singles, there is a great possibility that friends can be a bridge to meeting new members of the opposite sex. Contact a friend you haven't seen in a while.

【【Lucky color]

[Lucky Item

◆Virgo (Aug 23 - Sep 22)

[Overall luck
This is a time when you, a practical person who is not usually adventurous, can easily come up with ideas as if you had a feather in your back. It may be a very pretty fleeting dream. However, if you have been thinking only of rationality, this is a time when you will feel liberated from something and will be comfortable with unrealistic fantasies. Like the Fool of the Tarot cards, you will act without a plan. Then embark on a journey that will expand your possibilities.

[Work luck].
When you realize that there is actually someone right beside you who appreciates the perfect you who is always meticulous and never goes outside the box. That person will be the one who reminds you that your abilities are unique and your salary is what you receive in return for the hard work you have been doing, and that you have natural advantages that you don't realize you have. With a firm footing, you will continue to be an indispensable part of the company. That is the true you!

[Luck in love and marriage
If you have a partner, have you been holding back and accommodating your partner all these years? If you are assertive, your partner will respect you more in the future.
Singles will meet someone with a strong work ethic. If they seem respectable, approach them.

[Lucky color

[Lucky Item

◆Libra (September 23 - October 23)

[Overall luck
Now is the time for you to break out and grow. You may become somewhat bored with the songs you used to love, you may not want to wear the clothes you used to love now, or you may feel like getting rid of your image. At times like these, you need to spend some time alone. Your existence is always changing. You never stay in one place. Your thoughts change from moment to moment. Take a bird's eye view of yourself without sticking to your previous ideas.

[Work luck].
This month, you will encounter situations in your work where you will need the help of many people. You will be happy to know that each of you is of service to the other, and what a wonderful world it is. Sometimes the people who push you around with their "selfishness" are the ones who want your approval, and they may turn out to be the best business partners you ever had. Your surroundings are becoming perfect. Your soft-spoken, thoughtful words are charming to all.


[Luck in love and marriage
If you have a partner, have you recently taken their good qualities for granted and lost respect for them? This month, an event may occur that reaffirms the good qualities of your partner.
Singles will not meet someone just by waiting. You can expect to meet someone at the beach this month.

[Lucky color

Lucky spot.

◆Scorpio (10/24-11/22)

[Overall luck
You will become closer to someone who relies on you for advice, and you will become so close to them that they will become dependent on you. The more serious the subject of your advice, the more trust you will gain from that person. As a Scorpio, your "remedy" is very powerful, as you will be very sincere in your efforts to help the other person. The love you give to others is accompanied by a kind of very sacred vow.

[Work luck].
You will be asked to deal with a difficult boss who is disliked within the company. For some reason, Scorpio, you will be liked no matter how unfavorable or complicated the situation. From a pinch to an opportunity, this time will make people around you stand out and recognize your greatness. You are not just an ordinary person; you take every problem seriously and do not run away from it. Such a calm and collected attitude will firmly establish your position in the company.

[Luck in love and marriage
If you have a partner, there will be times when you feel vulnerable because you love them. Even if you don't have words, your feelings are conveyed. Let's be kind to each other.
Singles, your pulling power is strongest this month. Just go out and meet people.

[Lucky color

[Lucky Item
mystery novel

◆Sagittarius (11/23 - 12/21)

[Overall luck
Sagittarians who have never wanted to do anything before will find a goal that will suddenly turn them on this month. Normally, you are a laid-back, fluent Sagittarius. For the first time in a long time, you will be rushing into "action mode. If possible, don't get hung up on too many details, but be courageous and move forward. Once you start moving with light footwork, you won't be able to stop. It is a good idea to enjoy the time you can devote to something like that!

[Work luck].
I wanted someone to pull me along, but when it came time to make a move, I was the one taking the lead. An event that wasn't meant to be like that is likely to be criticized behind your back in the company as 'someone who only takes the good part when the time comes. Now it is important to consider your position and act accordingly. If possible, find a space where you can get away from the situation and be alone to relax. Then wait for the internal atmosphere to die down.

[Luck in love and marriage
If you have a partner, your ability to continue this love in the future will be determined by whether or not you can respect your partner. Your love will surely turn into loyalty to your partner even if the thrill is gone.
For singles, this is the season for dangerous love. A feeling of love that is limited in time. Intense and melting love.

[Lucky color
turquoise blue

Lucky spot.

◆Capricorn (12/22 - 1/19)

[Overall luck
Great opportunities will come your way. Make time to put your heart and soul into what you want to do, and act on the spur of the moment. The experience will be valuable and will be one of your "weapons" in your life from now on. The first time you have an idea, it's a good day. Make sure you have the conditions in place to do the specific things you want to do. Trust your intuition and take a courageous step forward. Doing so will open the door to the next stage of your life, which you never expected.

[Work luck].
A change in your usual routine will give you a new perspective, and your image of the rational you will change dramatically. There are hints of this in conversations that you may have previously thought were useless. The real you is bright, strong, tough, sometimes flamboyant, and likes to make people laugh. A certain amount of humor will greatly influence your future work.

[Luck in love and marriage
If you have a partner, your passion will make for a thrilling relationship. Spend your time as if you are the hero of a drama.
If you are single, this is the time when you will want to make your own approach. Ambiguous attitude is counterproductive, so be sure to clearly express your feelings. A tailwind is in the air.

[Lucky color
madder red

[Lucky Item
leather shoes

◆Aquarius (1/20 - 2/18)

[Overall luck
This month, concentrate on clearing out your home and "making room for you" by getting rid of things you no longer use or giving them to others. Make the most of your home time to improve your luck. When you do this, before you know it, you will notice that there is no longer any family squabbles or conflicts. And as you feel calmer, you will be better able to communicate what you want to say.

[Work luck].
If you try to be self-contained without consulting your superiors, you are likely to make mistakes. If you keep yourself too much to yourself, you will think about this and that too much, get stuck, and be unable to get out of the maze of your thoughts. Quit thinking about everything ahead of time, thinking, "The other person must say this," or "They won't understand me anyway," and report the situation properly and ask for instructions from your supervisor before you get a flat tire.

[Luck in love and marriage
If you have a partner, be careful this month. Look back and see if your stubbornness is annoying your partner. Compromise is sometimes important if you don't want to lose your partner.
Singles will experience a period of popularity. Act like you are and you will find someone who is crazy about you.

[Lucky color

Lucky spot.
viewing platform

◆Pisces (2/19-3/20)

[Overall luck
This is a time when things that have not moved before are going to move at a thumping pace. Perhaps there will be a sudden call or a development that will require you to fly from place to place to intercede and make a deal. Since errands to go out at this time of year arise "out of the blue," you will need to be prepared to be called upon at any time. For Pisces who live in 'love' and 'peace' even though they are busy for others, it is a wonderful advantage that they are happy to do so.

[Work luck].
There are signs of passionate communication with business associates with whom you have not interacted before. You are usually a good listener, but this month is the time to speak your truth that you have been storing up. You may engage in passionate discussions, and in some cases, you may even engage in arguments. There is something to be gained by bouncing your thoughts off each other. It is more likely to move the other person's heart if you speak passionately rather than logically.

[Luck in love and marriage
If you have a partner, it is time for your love to be tested. Events will occur that will test your ability to love your partner even if you see their faults in the future.
Singles are likely to be confessed by several people at the same time this month. It is a GOOD idea to choose someone who will always be there for you!

[Lucky color
pearl white

[Lucky Item